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Monday, May 16, 2011

Batman Incorporated #6 Review

Tagged with: Batman  Batman Inc.  Bruce Wayne  Chris Burnham  Grant Morrison  Grant Morrison BatmanBatman Incorporated #6Coming off our lowest rated Batman Inc issue last month (and likely our lowest rated Morrison-written Batman issue so far) the post-Batman and Robin/Return of Bruce Wayne excitement was quickly extinguishing. With a fairly simple concept, incorporate the “Batman” brand across the world, Morrison was starting to wear on the patience of fans; add his typical Sherlock-isk story telling style to a kaleidoscope of new heroes, villains, plot threads, and tweaked history and Batman Incorporated was turning into a monthly homework assignment.

But as Morrison is so fond of doing, where he’s going is almost always worth it.

Issues like this are the hardest to write in a conventional style; trying to objectively appeal to all readers while sounding both wise and sound. So…since Morrison departed from his normal style a little in this issue, I’m going to indulge in the same liberty in this review (it is after all a blog). Here are some of the reasons I freaking loved this issue:

Bruce is on the offensive. And I mean “Bruce.” Not “Batman.” Since “Batman” is the mask that “Bruce” wears “Bruce” often takes back seat. Here though the two personas are in sync, each playing their role in what is arguably the most proactive Batman story…ever. Yeah. Its refreshing. The line that Bruce says, “And if he didn’t exist, well…I guess we’d just have to invent him.” gave me the biggest grin. Sure we’ve seen billionaire business guy publicaly “do something about it” *cough* Tony Stark *cough* but it’s not something Bruce Wayne would typically do. And I’m digging it.Bruce and Tim. The scene where Bruce tells Tim “Of course were still partners.” was a geeky-feel-good moment. Morrison has only played with Tim Drake a little in his whole run but it’s good to see that he knows exactly who the character is, Bruce’s son.“How does Red Robin and the Outsiders sound?” Sounds like the name of a new title. Eh? Eeeeehhh?Of course Damian hates coffee. I’ve always pictured the League of Shadows as ninja tea drinkers.Bruce trolling forums.A straight forward plot. Plain and simple, Leviathan is the big baddie who’s building an army with Professor Daedalus (a.k.a. Leviathan’s Grand Moff Tarkin). Bruce has some secret about Leviathan and is prepared for him. No nonsense, no hidden meanings or codes.Cassandra Freaking Cain! Of course she’s been enlisted into Batman Inc, it makes total sense!! I miss her old costume but what a perfect way to bring her back! I just hope Morrison really uses her, she’s more deserving of cameos here and there. Also, her inclusion into Batman Inc means she’s not Batgirl, Batwomen, or anything like that…she’s a freaking Batman. *passes out for 20 minutes, get’s back up and keeps writing*Who is Wingman? He knows who Bruce is, Bruce suggests that joining Batman Inc is “an opportunity to salvage a reputation.” Jason Todd is the popular guess but his history with Bruce doesn’t indicate Jason being handed a clean slate so easily. Plus, who says Jason would want to join?Chris Burham can stay on this title for as long as wants. The comparisons to Frank Quietly are justifiable; he’s able to work in that small space between realistic and cartoon-y without drawing attention to itself, the pleasure of his work comes in the details. It’s no coincidence that two of the highest rated Batman Inc issues have been the two with his art.And finally that last splash page. Awesome.Whew. Thank you for allowing me to geek out.

If there’s one thing I’ve constantly praised Morrison for during his run it’s been his originality. Even if your not a fan, you have to respect his unwillingness to tell another Riddler or Penguin story. And if that’s your thing than DC has really stepped up their game with giving you good-ol Batman stories in their other titles, but THIS is what I was hoping for when the Batman Incorporated concept was first introduced and now that it’s here I can’t wait for the next issue.

A COMIC BOOK BLOG RATINGProsConsA straight forward plot with intrigue, action, geek-out moments, and the Batman Incorporated everyone has been waiting for. Also, welcome back Cassandra Cain.Dear Morrison, what took you so long?! Rating100%

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By BlogsdnaTagged with: Batman  Batman Inc.  Bruce Wayne  Chris Burnham  Grant Morrison  Grant Morrison BatmanLeave a ReplyClick here to cancel reply

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This post was added on 12 May 2011, 19:30 by John Barringer who has contributed 352 posts to this blog.

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